Friday, December 31, 2010

Little Christmas gift

This Christmas I prepared few personalized gifts to my aussie nieces and nephews. I found the best pictures I had of them and added to a calendar template from Paislee Press. I think it was a nice gift :)

Hope you have great holidays

I hope you have great holidays ... I hope that this Christmas season has brought restoration, love and peace into your homes. I hope that you have your hopes up for the New year... And I ask that God would bless us in all of this.

December daily album project

I'm in love with few bloggers, yes, that's true. Mostly they are women with children, home-stay moms and designers at the same time, but what is more characteristically - they all enjoy scrapbooking.

One of these wonderful and talented moms is Ali Edwards. I read her blog regularly. She inspired me to participate in December Daily album project - capturing bits and pieces of every day of December till Christmas.

I am proud of myself to have started this project. But I still have a long way to go. At the moment I'm struggling between finishing my layouts and starting other 1000 creative projects + enjoying the Christmas break.

This is a sneak peak! I started with the last days of December (the way one shouldn't do :). But the thing is that a week ago we came back from our trip to Victoria, and it would be sinful not to try to capture first impressions of the Great Ocean Road, Melbourne and Victoria straight away. Take a look at these digital layouts that will be completed with paper scrapbooking as well.

To create these layouts I used supplies from Paislee Press (from: )

Thursday, December 9, 2010


You might be wondering what the heck I was doing from August till December. Yes, that's true - there are no posts on my blog from that time. Well, the fact is that I was lucky to get in a work experience program and was paid for 4 months to work in administration of a local court house.

That was such an interesting time! I got to see court proceedings (I spent time in the court more than ever in my life, and I was on the right side of the bench!), lots of tatoo-ed man, man who are scared for their safety and are being abused by their female partners. I also got flashed on the street in the middle of the day while I was walking to a post office, how bizarre...

Anyways, working 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday, reading lots of detective books (after work, of course! because working day had it's own action), policies, procedures (during working hours), watching CSI and other movies left me thinking about crime a lot. This time also made me long for scrapbooking hours.

All stories have a good ending, so did mine. Now I have lots of spare time (while I'm job hunting) and inspiration... because Christmas is coming, and during Christmas all dreams come true...!

Together a year

I have two dear friends who have been dating now for a year. Because they have seen my scrapbooking and on the spurr of the moment I once promised to make them something I thought: "Hmmm, an album for their first anniversary would be a very girly, but also a nice gift.."

So, I bought a cheap round circle album from local Target, attacked my computer, grabbed pictures from our hanging outs and dug myself in the trenches of scrapbooking (I mean in my study). It didn't take too long to come up with digital layouts, then print them in local Officeworks store (yes, i still don't have my own colour printer) and glue the layouts in the album.Then add lots of embellishments ...and the album is finished! Voila!

Photos: first the layouts, then the album

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An album for mom

I couldn't decide what to give my mom for her birthday, what would be so timeless and worthy enough to send accross the whole world to remind her of my love. A scrapbooking album will do, I thought. I spent some sleepless nights and here is the result. Enjoy!